Swung/Texas Hosted by Dustin Snell
Please contact Dustin Snell if you have any questions.
Swung/TX is a new WCS social focused on community, learning as much as we can about the dance, and moving forward. Hosted by 3 different members of the Austin scene with differing levels of WCS experience, this social is designed for everyone. Our goal is to be a part of helping the Austin WCS scene regroup after COVID-19 and make it even better than it was before.
COST: $10
DJ: Koichi Tsunoda
PROOF OF VACCINATION REQUIRED TO NOT WEAR A MASK. Please see below for further details.
The CDC has relaxed guidelines for vaccinated individuals, but we also understand not every dancer has been vaccinated. CDC guidelines currently suggest that if participating in aerobic activity indoors, non-vaccinated people should continue to wear a mask. So, we respectfully require those who do not provide proof of vaccination to wear a mask. We will be following the CDC guidelines for future dances and change our policies accordingly.
To reference CDC guidelines: